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Design Registration

Design Registration for one article, wherein the applicant is a Individual or Company having MSME. Inclusive of government fee and service tax


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Design Registration: Safeguard Your Unique Creations

Design registration offers a shield for your unique design, classifying it as intellectual property and ensuring it’s safe from imitation. It grants the creator exclusive rights to use the design for a decade, possibly extending it for an additional five years. FintechFilings guides you through the design registration, ensuring your creations are protected, and your rights are upheld.

Reach out to our experts today and make the registration process smooth and hassle-free.

The Designs Act, 2000, governs design registration and protection in India, and the subsequent Design Rules were introduced in 2001. The introduction of the Designs Act in 2000 served to repeal and supplant the earlier Act from 1911.

The Design Rules of 2001 have undergone amendments, with significant changes made by the Designs (Amendment) Rules in 2008 and 2014. A noteworthy update in the rules under this Act has been the addition of a new applicant category. This new category recognizes ‘small entities’ as distinct applicants, in addition to individual or natural persons.

As per Section 2(d) of the Designs Act 2001, a design is characterized as the distinctive features encompassing shape, pattern, configuration, composition, or ornamentation formed by lines or colors. This can be applied to any article, whether two-dimensional, three-dimensional, or a combination of both. The application can be achieved through various means, including industrial processes, whether mechanical, manual, or chemical, used separately or in combination. However, the defining factor of a design is its visual appeal when viewed in the final product, solely judged by the eye. It’s essential to note that the design does not consider the underlying construction principle or anything that is essentially a mere mechanical contraption.

To register and safeguard a design under the Design Act, 2000, the following core criteria must be met:

Innovation Element

The design should possess a fresh and unique aspect. Only designs with this innovative trait are eligible for registration. Furthermore, combinations of existing designs can be considered, but only if the result presents a distinct visual appeal.

Originality and Non-disclosur

The design must be one-of-a-kind and not previously exposed to the public, either within India or internationally. This means it shouldn’t have been previously published, used, or disclosed in any manner.

Application to an Object

The design must be attached or applicable to a specific product or object. A standalone design, without relevance to an item, cannot be registered.

Alignment with Public Values and National Security:

The design should not be in conflict with public morals, sentiments, or the security of India. Designs deemed inappropriate by the government or other authoritative bodies won’t qualify for registration. It’s essential that the design can be registered under section 5 of the Design Act, 2000.

It’s important to ensure these criteria are met when seeking registration under the English language provisions of the Design Act, 2000.

Exclusions from Design Registration:

Design registration has certain exclusions and does not encompass everything. The following are explicitly excluded from the purview of design registration:

  • Literary or Artistic Work: Unlike copyright protection, design registration doesn’t cover literary or artistic creations such as books, calendars, stamps, and tokens.
  • Buildings and Structures: Architectural works, including buildings and other structures, are not eligible for design registration.
  • Geographical Representations: Maps are excluded from the scope of design registration.
  • National Symbols: Designs that imitate or resemble national flags, emblems, or official signs of any country are not allowed for registration.

The following type of Persons can apply for Design Registration:

  • Applicants: Individuals, their legal representatives, or assignees can apply either individually or jointly for design registration.
  • Definition of Person: The term “person” encompasses a variety of entities, including firms, partnerships, small entities, and corporate bodies.
  • Non-Resident Indians (NRIs): For NRIs, the application for Design Registration should be made through their agent or legal representative.

All provisions should be understood and complied with as per the English language stipulations for the Design Registration process.

To register a design in India, applicants need to provide the following documentation:

  • Applicant’s Details: Name and complete address of the applicant.
  • Applicant’s Nature/Status: Clear indication of the legal status of the applicant, specifying whether the applicant is an individual, a company, etc.
  • Startup Certificate (if applicable): Startups must provide a registration certificate.
  • Description of the Article: A detailed description of the ‘article’ to which the design pertains, accompanied by its classification according to the prescribed categories.
  • Visual Representation: A minimum of four visuals (images or drawings) showing the article from all angles should be included with the application.

Benefits of registering a Design in India is explained in detail below:

  • Protection Against Design Infringement: Registering a design grants businesses legal protection, preventing others from replicating their design to produce, market, or distribute items.
  • Extended Validity Period: An online design registration certificate boasts a validity of 10 years. Post this duration, its validity can be renewed for another five years.
  • Competitive Edge: Design registration bestows a unique identifier to businesses. This ensures that a company’s products stand out and are distinct from competitors due to the registered design.
  • Assured Originality: Products with designs registered under them are guaranteed to be original. This means such designs have neither been employed in India nor have they been published in any other WTO member nation.
  • Customer Appeal: A vital advantage of design registration is that it primarily focuses on visual evaluation, ensuring the design resonates with the broader public.
  • Encourages Innovation: One of the fundamental prerequisites for design registration is its distinctiveness. This implies that to get registered, the design must not only be captivating but also distinct enough from competitors, fostering innovation and constructive competition.

The procedure to register a Design in India is explained in detail below:

Design Search

Start by conducting a comprehensive search of existing designs to confirm the novelty and uniqueness of your design. This helps in evading possible infringement complications.

Application Preparation and Filing

The application for design registration will be drafted and filed, incorporating all requisite documents as mentioned above.

Application Examination

Post-submission, the Indian Design Office will scrutinize your application, ensuring it adheres to all mandatory stipulations.

Official Gazette Publication

Upon acceptance of your application, the design is published in the official gazette. This publication offers the general public an opportunity to voice any objections concerning the proposed design registration.

Registration Approval

If no objections arise, or if raised objections are successfully addressed, the Indian Design Office will bestow the design registration. A certificate confirming the registration will be provided, holding validity for a decade.

Registration Renewal

Following the initial tenure of 10 years, the design registration can be extended for an additional five years.

FintechFilings expert will guide you through the renewal procedure, ensuring the sustained validity of your design registration.

FintechFilings has a team of experienced professionals adept at navigating the complexities of design registration in India. Our dedicated team will guide you from the initial stages of understanding the significance of your design to the meticulous documentation and filing process. With our expertise, we streamline the registration process, ensuring timely submissions and continuous updates.

By choosing FintechFilings, you opt for a hassle-free, comprehensive approach to safeguarding your design’s uniqueness.

Ready to protect your design? Talk to our Design Registration experts today and start the process!

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